What Are Nitrile Gloves?


Disposable gloves are typically made from one of three materials: latex, vinyl or nitrile. Nitrile is a form of synthetic rubber that has a high resistance to oil, fuel and other chemicals and provide more stiffness than gloves made from the other two materials listed above.

Nitrile gloves became widely used in the 1990s as a leading alternative to latex. They are not as elastic or flexible as their latex counterparts but gloves made from nitrile are significantly more durable and resistant to chemicals. These gloves are the preferred choice for those who have to handle potentially hazardous and corrosive chemicals. They are also well suited for medical environments because they are highly puncture-resistant and are not subject to the risk of latex allergy reactions. Gloves made from nitrile carry an allergy rate of less than 1% but some of the chemical accelerators used in their production can cause an allergic reaction in some people.

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