What Is A Preventative Cardiologist?


Preventive cardiology is a specialty within cardiology that is focused on reducing a patient’s risk for developing heart disease. The goal is to lessen the patient’s risk of having a heart attack or stroke and to prevent other issues arising in people that are at risk of, or suffering, cardiovascular disease.

A preventative cardiologist will examine a patient for their risk of heart attack or stroke and has expertise in evaluating complex risk factors such as can occur with young people and others with atypical risk profiles. They determine risk based on one or more of the following:

• Cholesterol and blood pressure
• Lifestyle issues
• An evaluation of the patient’s family history of heart disease
• Performing imaging of the heart and blood vessels
• Advanced blood testing for risk factors such as lipoprotein testing

They will provide a personalized risk profile and identify steps to take to lessen the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

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