The Types, Benefits And Tips When Coping With Chronic Pain


Chronic pain is persistent pain that lasts weeks to years. The pain may begin with inflammation or dysfunctional nerves. Treatments include medications, acupuncture, electrical stimulation, cognitive behavioral therapy, and surgery. Types of pain are headache, postsurgical pain, post-trauma pain, lower back pain, cancer pain, arthritis pain, neurological pain and psychogenic pain.

Treatments for pain depend on how severe the discomfort is in the person. Treatments include medications, acupuncture, electrical stimulation, cognitive behavior therapy, and surgery. Additional treatment is self-care, medicines, and nerve block. Ways to deal with pain are exercising, a healthy diet, sleep, coping skills, self-efficacy, patient beliefs, and social support. Social support can help significantly because the person doesn’t feel alone dealing with the pain.

To conclude, talk to your doctor and find the treatment plan to best meet or exceed your needs. Relief from pain is wonderful!

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