Improve Employee Wellbeing With A Pedometer Challenge


Companies are nothing without their people, and people can’t do much without good health. Businesses need to take a keen interest in employee wellbeing to increase productivity, loyalty, and job satisfaction. There are many ways to achieve this since health has different facets. A fun way to go about it is to issue a pedometer challenge.

Countless studies have shown that walking has tremendous physical and mental health benefits. With consistent daily walks, a person can reduce stress, improve circulation, manage weight, boost immunity, lower blood sugar, strengthen muscles, and decrease the risk of several chronic diseases.

A pedometer may be given to the participants to track their daily, weekly, and monthly step counts. This ensures fair measurements in case there are prizes at stake. Participants can also form teams that compete against other teams for the top spot. Running is usually permitted and many will surely try this to record more steps in less time.

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