Tips To Consider When Selecting A Powder Dosing Valve


A dosing regulator is a fitting used to prevent the fluid from going through from treatment to the dosing system. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a powder dosing valve.

The Material it is Made of

Some dosing pumps are made of cast iron, other carbon steels, and aluminum. These materials are prone to corrosion compared to pumps made of stainless steel, which can withstand corrosion.

The Ease of Cleaning

The conditions required by each given process dictate how one is supposed to clean their pump.


The type of equipment one defines this is using. Some machines are moveable while others rotate. This kind of equipment needs lighter weighing pumps.


These and some other factors contribute much to the decision one makes regarding the type of dosing pump to use or purchase. Some of these other factors are the actuator used, the mounting arrangements, and the surface finishes.

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