Mental Health Reform Bill Providing Better Quality Mental Health Care


Mental Health Reform Bill aims to provide communities with greater access to quality mental health services by ensuring better coordination and information exchange on a number of issues related to the mental health care system. The Mental Health reform legislation also promotes community-based treatment and counseling, family and relationship counseling, and the development of the capacity of mental health organizations and systems. The Mental Health Reform Bill is the extension of the Managed Care Reform Act, which attempts to provide greater access to quality health care by encouraging more consumers to utilize the managed care option. The primary focus of the bill is to access to community-based mental health services.

Mental Health and Addiction Education Program are one of the sources that would need to be developed to compile and disseminate information on mental health reform. The assistant secretary of health and human services is also required to convene forums and round table groups on mental health issues so that the interests of mental health professionals and the general public would be properly represented.

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