Creating Photo Wall Art


What Do You Need to Create Photo Wall Art? Two items are needed for your photo wall art project. First, you will want a high-quality digital image, preferably the larger, the better. Second, you will want to have lighting pass through it at various angles to give a sort of photographic back-lighting effect to your photo. Some photographers like to use lighting that mimics the sun or spotlights, which can be positioned anywhere around the photo to create an interesting effect.

Photo canvas prints can be mounted directly onto the wall using the appropriate mounting hardware and then framed using acrylic or glass paints. It can also be wrapped around the frame and laid flat to give a nice framing effect to the wall art.

To give the final piece of photo wall art some depth, consider having a professional photograph scan it onto a large flat-screen monitor and then use a high-quality scanner to print it onto canvas. It will make a striking addition to any home.

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