3 Tips For Head Injuries In Everyday Life


When it comes to a head injury, chances are that you are already under the care of a doctor. If you are living with an injury to your noggin, mild to severe, here are three tips to make everyday life much easier…

1. Don’t google everything.

Head injury research is great… when it is done by the experts. Don’t waste half your day looking into more and more research online. It steals the day and your thought life.

2. Keep anxiety in check.

It can be hard not to think about things… but anxiety deserves to be in check. You are not alone. You aren’t less than you used to be. Things are just different. Lean into whatever healthy way of coping works for you.

3. Don’t be afraid to try medications your doctor recommends.

When we are taking so many prescriptions, it can be hard to take any more. If you feel like you need meds for your anxiety, depression or any side effects of your injury… speak up. Your doctor is all ears and no subject is off limits or shameful.

As you navigate your head injury, remember that treatment is only part of the healing. A lot of it begins in your thought life. Taking care of your thoughts can help you to take better care of you.

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