Working Of BLDC Controllers


There are mainly two kinds of BLDC Controllers. The first is the software-controlled BLDC motors, and the second is the hardware-controlled one. If you are going in for the software-controlled ones, you will have better control over the pulse width, voltage, and current. On the other hand, if you go in for the hardware-controlled ones, you will have more freedom, but you will have less control over the speed, voltage, and motor’s current. Both these kinds of brushless motors are capable of operating both at low and at high speeds.

The main function of the controller is to regulate the motor, which changes the RPM or rotations per second of the brushed DC motor. Moreover, if you look at the pulse length of the AC drives, then it will clearly show that the brushed-DC drives of the BLDC device can operate up to three times faster than the RPMs.

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