What Do You Mean By Workcover Physiotherapy


Workcover is a government owned Work Health and Safety(WHS) regulatory body in Queensland Australia which provides compensation insurance to over 160,000 workers in Queensland. It has set different principles to be followed by health care workers outlined in Clinical Framework for the Delivery of Health Services.

Workcover physiotherapy treatment plan includes important guidelines for the physiotherapists to be followed during treatment for workplace injuries. The TMP is a informational platform to update workers about future treatment options, if they require more than ten physiotherapy consultations. The workers get to know detailed insight about whether the charges for treatment are under workers’ compensation insurance.

The worker visits physiotherapist after sustaining workplace injury. The Physiotherapist issues a medical certificate and starts treatment for injury by recommending exercises, medications etc. Employee completes compensation application and lodges report. Insurer and employer process the recovery plan and the claim is finalized. After complete recovery, employee return to work. Physiotherapists can suggest adjustments in working patterns to continue recovery process during work if required.

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