What Are Koi Flakes?


Koi flakes are a type of fish food that you feed to Koi fish. These flakes are used to feed fish that feed on the surface of the water or just below the surface. These flakes, however, lose their nutrient value fairly quickly because they dissolve in water unless they are eaten immediately. Flakes come in a wide variety of forms including those designed to enhance a fish’s coloring and those that are designed for specific breeds of fish.

Koi can be fed almost anything that a goldfish will eat without suffering any ill effects. Both are members of the carp family and eat almost anything organic when in their natural environment including other koi, vegetables, krill, plankton, breakfast cereal and dead leaves. Flakes that are produced specifically for Koi often include additional vitamins and minerals that the fish requires to remain in peak physical condition so it may be beneficial to feeding them these than the remains of your breakfast cereal.

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