Questions To Ask When Choosing Weave Installation Service


It is normal to be nervous if you are getting your weave installed for the first time. Yet, you need to be cautious when choosing the hair extension experts. Here are some questions to ask your weave installation service.

How Do You Prepare The Hair?

An expert should clean and treat the hair before installing the weave. They should not use harsh chemicals before weaving the hair to prevent breakage.

Do You Have Recent Pics?

Before settling for a weave professional, find out if they have recent images of their work. If they do not have, then you should reconsider.

How Long to Keep The Weave In?

An ideal professional will recommend using the weave for less than three months. The duration will depend on your hair’s quality.


It is paramount for you to choose an expert with experience and a good reputation. If you do, you can be assured of getting value for your money.

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