Making Your Sex Life Hotter via Tantric Sessions


When you engage in sex, you’re breathing together with your partner. Try to make one partner (often the male) sit in Yab-Yum position( cross-legged position), while the other partner (often the female) sits in her lap facing him, and her legs wrap around his side.


There’s no hurry in tantric sexology. It’s about an intense sexual experience. Try to move your hands at one-tenth of the speed than you normally would. Linger on so that you and your partner can enjoy every delicious moment.


But those who practice tantra know that it’s not just about ultra-twisty sex positions. Practitioners use their principles of mindfulness, breathing, and focused awareness on enhancing all aspects of life. And indeed, great sex is a critical part of it.


Being aware and paying attention to what’s going on in the moment is a big part of tantra, both inside and outside the bedroom.


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