3 Burlesque Musts For Home Use


Looking to get into burlesque but not really into the stage? That doesn’t make you any less of a Burlesque queen – just a shier one. If you are looking to begin an at-home studio for you and friends, just you or you and a partner, here are 3 must-haves that can make home use just as special as the stage…

Pleaser Boots,  a staple of Burlesque costumes is ritzy shoes. From boots to t-straps, work with what you can work in. Work your way up to higher heels. Balance it important and you want to feel confident in your movements.

Feather Boa

A boa can be used in so many ways that is a great versatile addition to your routine. Especially if you do not want to invest in too many accessories straight away.

A Great Soundtrack

Look to the greats for music that moves beautifully to the rhythm of your form. Modern rockabilly numbers can also be a great addition if you march to a little bit of a different bass guitar.

Burlesque at home doesn’t only empower you… but it also empowers your relationship and improves your health. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call a win/win/win!

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